Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Growing Up, Day by Day

Wow - I cannot believe our little one will be one week old tomorrow! The week has gone by fast - of course, having spent part of it in the hospital probably helps to make it that way!

We are starting to settle into a routine; Emily eats about every 2 1/2-3 hours, stays awake for an hour or so, and then naps for an hour or so before getting up to eat again. She's growing great and gaining back her birth weight; her weight-in at the pediatricians yesterday had her at 7 lbs, 10 oz, up six ounces from when she left the hospital. That was a huge answer to prayer for us, as for her first couple-three days I had to pump and then feed her with a syringe (she likes to roll her tongue back in her mouth which made nursing very difficult). But in the past couple of days she has really seemed to click with this nursing thing, which makes life much easier for me!

We took her up to the house yesterday to meet the kids and all but one instantly fell in love with her. One of the three year-olds got extremely jealous, would not have anything to do with me or Emily, and got all baby'ish on Jonathan's lap (thumb-sucking, etc). When I passed Emily to Jonathan so I could get something from our bedroom, she had a huge tantrum and fell to pieces. Other than that, Emily is quite a hit with the others, though they still are a bit confused how she got out of my tummy. :-)

In the meantime, I'm starting to feel much better; I still don't get much sleep, either at night or during the day, so I'm still tired and yep, I'm still on painkillers. But we are really enjoying our time at the relief apartment; it is very peaceful here.

I think that is about it for now - oh, I've created a photo blog for Emily at http://pictures-of-emily.blogspot.com/. It will be updated probably once a week or so, so after you check it today, be sure to check it tomorrow for her one-week photo!

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