We head back into the doctor for the first appointment of the day this morning; we are killing our director, Dee, this week with being in and out so much as he has to watch the kids and is not used to being on campus by eight a.m.! All the lab work they did should be in, so after an hour on the fetal monitor, and then my check-up, hopefully we'll have a closer idea as to what our delivery date will be. If my lab work came back "bad", then we should deliver tomorrow or this weekend; if not, probably next week, but we'll see after my next appointment early in the week. Dee is praying it is not this weekend!!
I think this week has been a bit easier on Jonathan than last week, the primary reason being food! We've had someone bring dinner every night this week, and it was our shopping week, so Jonathan did a big order from Sam's and I made sure to include A LOT of easy-to-cook meals on the click-n-pull order. That and we've had great volunteers here in the evenings this week; yeah! :-) We'd talked about going off-duty this weekend (it is our weekend to go off), but in some ways it would feel kind of stupid taking off if we are getting ready to go off for a couple weeks starting next week. And, there isn't anyone to watch the house this weekend, specifically Saturday, as we were not planning to go off duty again until the baby is born, so yep; I think we'll be here this weekend. The kids have VBS next week, which will lighten the load some in the mornings (with the exception of the toddlers; in two weeks there is a VBS going on in which they can ALL go, which our relief staff will love!).
Speaking of toddlers, we are losing Brandon today to go back to his mom and dad. :-( We had to pack him last night and it was heart-wrenching. We are his 3rd placement, so we Jonathan pulled out his suitcase last night, it was an utter meltdown; the boy knows a move is coming. Screaming, crying, trying to take his stuff back out of bags and put it back away, etc. We also had to break it to the other kiddos, and they were upset - he's only been with us a few weeks, but has quickly joined ranks as their foster brother. *sigh* Only once have we looked on the leaving of a child from our house with joy and gladness in the year we've been here.
Maggie is going through the typical first week of "testing the boundaries". She's acting out via food, trying to use that as her control. We typically don't power struggle with the kiddos; if they don't eat, it's not a big deal - they just get it for their next meal (this has happened once or twice per kid in the house - usually doesn't happen again). I'm not strict on them cleaning their plates - our rule is all your veggies and fruit and half of the main entree, even if you don't care for it. Anything else, I don't care if you eat it or not (such as the bread, rice, etc). For her though, it's makes me roll her eyes; she's working on three pieces of fruit and refusing to eat them. We even had an awesome dessert last night, made by our executive director's wife (her creation with Jonathan's creativity in the picture!), and nope - she threw her fruit on the floor. Jonathan rinsed it and put it back on her plate. *sigh* So she spent some time in the corner yesterday for being very rude and disrespectful to our volunteer (and Jonathan!) yesterday, and depending on breakfast, might again this morning! But Jonathan and I brought her into our room last night and talked with her; she cried, and it's not easy for me, either. She is the exact same age I was when my mom died, and though I struggled for years and years with that, I at least had my familiar family and friends around me, not in a completely unfamiliar surrounding.
But anyway, this is getting longish and I need to take a shower. I'll update again after our appointment!
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