Friday, January 2, 2009


Sorry for the delay, but here's the update on Jonathan. If you didn't know he needed an updated posted, well, here is what has been going on!

For a quick recap, Jonathan developed a large abrasion on the cornea of his left eye on Wednesday. We saw our local eye doctor for treatment, but had to go back Thursday when his pain became more severe. He immediately sent us up to MCG Hospital in Augusta for Jonathan to see a specialist, as his cornea had become ulcerated and infected. After most of the day there, and a painful outpatient procedure to clean the infection out of his eye, we came home for the night, but have continued to spend at least half our days there since.

Today, though, Jonathan saw a cornea specialist and surgeon, as the healing of his cornea was becoming a concern, first due to the size of the tear and that the beginning healing was not lying down smoothly against his eye, and secondly, the potential scar tissue that would come as it healed. We know now that he has recurrent erosion syndrome with his cornea and this most recent abrasion was not the first, thus there were several layers of tissue on his cornea. So this afternoon he had another surgery to completely remove all the tissue on the surface on his eye, most of which was already damaged, so the cornea has a "clean slate" to heal onto, as well as some work done on his tear duct to help keep his eye moist during this healing process. He has a bandage contact he has to wear for the next three months as his eye completely heals and as it does, we should see an improvement in his vision. Thankfully, they don't foresee any lasting damage to his eyesight, as the abrasion and infection did not go deeper than the surface of his eye and they've removed the layers of badly and partially healed cells that would cause the scar tissue.

So where does this put us now? Our most pressing concern is still infection, but that should greatly diminish over the next 48 hours, and pain management, but we have that under control for now. Jonathan seems to respond very well to Percocet, maybe a little too well! ;-) So our weekend is one of rest for him, and then Monday morning, we have a post-op appointment scheduled and we're hoping to see a huge improvement then.

I'll continue to post updates as I have them. It's been a long couple of weeks for us with Emily's virual infection and RSV scare, death in the family, and now this, so please know we are deeply appreciative of your continued thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

NicholeLNelson said...

Ohhh, sorry to hear all that.