Calvary Home:
We still have seven kiddos in our home: Cheyeanne (2 1/2), Mikalyn (3), Jayda (3 1/2), Jaime (5), Logan (5), DJ (5 1/2), and D'ante (9). We are expecting two to be adopted this spring, and three to be reunited with their parents by the end of the school, so we will have a whole new house come this summer!
Premier Designs:
After getting a slower start back into the business before Christmas (doctors orders to take it easy) we are picking up the calendar again, which I completely and utterly love! I did not realize how much I had missed it, and though I cannot do as many shows a month as I used to before being at Calvary, I try to stay consistent with 4-6 shows a month. We also are working on building our business by building our Premier family, thus enabling us to stay in Leadership Club next year, so we'll keep you posted as we add "daughters" to our jewelry family!
So far, so good with our total money makeover! We both are loving the cash/envelope system (we hardly spend at all!), and though we had an emergency bill 4 days into it, didn't panic as there was money in the bank to cover it. That would have been a different story six months ago! We had our taxes done this week and discovered that we have a return coming that is 3x what we had expected based on last year's return. The big write-off for us? Mileage! Moving twice, Premier Designs, and since working at Calvary, 99% of our mileage can be written-off because it is work related. So we are doing the happy dance as we will finish our emergency fund, get the needed 30K mile tune-up on the car, set money aside for the month of August (since I won't be bringing in any Premier income in July 'cause of the baby), and five and a half bills of debt gone with our return this year. Freedom here we come!!!!
Baby Rogers...
...who is teasingly being called Baby Dorcas (Jonathan's family is being obsessive about the name of the baby, so we've settled on a original, biblical name to call her in the meantime to irk them... teeheehee) is doing just fine. We are 25 weeks today! I can't believe we are in the homestretch of my second trimester and little less than four months until D-Day. I'm getting used to feeling her move more and more every day, though I'm still not totally accustom to it yet. I've started to go through the more hormonal/emotional stuff of pregnancy (a tactless comment last week made me cry in the middle of a restaurant, for example), and my taste buds and gag reflex are totally out of whack. But besides that an 24/7 heartburn, I'm truly enjoying this stage of pregnancy.
I'll end today's post with a viewing of my "belly progress" - enjoy!
Pre-pregnancy by about 3 weeks:

That's fantastic that five of the kids will be going "home!" You're looking great, and so is Cheyeanne! She's hardly showing. ;-)
It was great reading the update, Debbie, and knowing that you're doing well. Isn't it fun to feel the baby moving? Congrats on the financial progress. You're looking good and sounds like things are going well. Thanks for the news!
Aren't kids cute about having their picture taken? Okay, not all kids like it; some are scared to death of it. But Erica was the same was as Cheyanne... one day when Abby and I were taking "before and after" pictures for our coming diet, Erica posed too.
Anyway... Also wanted to comment about the baby moving. I always had to giggle when Erica had the hiccups inside of me. Have you experienced that yet? You feel a slight movement, but its a very consistent movement, every few seconds.
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