Thursday, January 3, 2008

Two year-olds say (and do!) the darndest things...

One would logically think that become a "big boy" or in house, a "big girl" would be an exciting adventure to look forward to, right?

Obviously not.

For instance, since Baby Noah is no longer in the nursery and we have a room free, we decided that Cheyeanne (2 1/2) and Mikalyn (who turns 3 this month) should be separated (they stay up waaay to late talking and are up before I am). So Jonathan and I have spent the past couple of days getting her room ready and making it not so babyish but more suited for a little girl. This included turning one of the cribs into a toddler bed, so now it looks more like she has a little daybed suited just for her. However, when we excitedly introduced her to her new room a look of horror passed over her face.

"You broke my bed!" she sobbed.

And sobbed. And sobbed. She could not be consoled for anything, and cried herself to sleep in her new big girl bed. Potty training has been easier than this switch!


Kathy said...

I was glad to find your new blog. I've subscribed on Bloglines so maybe I can keep a better track of your comings and goings!

Becky L said...

Hi there!

Gosh, how awful about the stressful bed-changing! We were somewhat lucky; Erica didn't really mind the change. She helped me set up the toddler bed, which she enjoyed. When I took the mattress out of the crib and put it in the bed, she was a bit upset. Not terribly.

The first night, she cried and screamed and banged on the door. But after that first night, she was fine. She doesnt even get out of bed in the mornings until I come in for her. Wild.

Oh, and PS: You might have noticed from my blog that I LOVE doing blog templates. If you're interested in a fun background or header, just let me know!

Becky L said...

Just wondering how things are going. Is the bed switch going any better?