My crazy life, with all its ups and downs! In the midst of all, I am still a beloved daughter of God, wife to Jonathan, Mommy to Emily and Baby Ethan, and co-owner of our small business. It's my life, and I love it!
This is one of my favorite low-carb bread substitutes. You can alter the various spices to change the flavor. I like a sweeter one in the morning with cinnamon and vanilla, or a muffin that plays with your taste buds by using garlic and dill (great with cream cheese!). In the fall, I'll even add some pumpkin for a fun festive treat. Enjoy!
- 1/4 cup ground flax meal
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 packet sugar substitute
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon (or whatever spice you are trying)
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon butter
1. Stir the dry ingredients together in a mug (some people use a bowl if they want more of a bread or bun shape instead of a muffin)
2. Add the egg and butter.
3. Microwave for one minute
4. Take out, slice, add your toppings, and eat!
I use a lot of different toppings, depending on what mood I'm in - butter, cream cheese, jelly, egg & cheese (if I'm making a breakfast sandwich). Experiment and have fun! :-)
Jonathan and I love this salad - it's healthy and fresh and the dressing is to die for. I'm making it tomorrow for a staff meeting lunch, so I decided to share it with you!
In a nutshell, it was a good time and hopefully, we'll take a quick jaunt back to Colorado in May for my sister's highschool graduation. I went to my younger brother's, but missed my dad's and sister-in-law's, so I'm determined to make this one.
I'm going to make this short, but will post more about our trip later. Look for a renewal of blogging soon, including Recipe Mondays!