If you've been following this blog since I began it, you would know that Jonathan and I are focused on becoming debt-free. When we got married, we wanted to be debt-free by our fifth wedding anniversary. With that date a year and a half ahead, I don't think we'll quite make that, but it will come.
Jonathan and I have spent this past week crunching numbers; we've been lack with our budget and spending over the holiday season and we're determined to get back on track. We are cutting in a few areas; for example, we are changing our cell carrier this week to save almost $100 a month. I look at where we were two years ago and man, we were struggling to pay off the debt. We just didn't know the best way to go about it. We wanted to, but were not sure how. A pastor introduced us to Dave Ramsey, and My Total Money Makeover changed our life and probably our marriage! There are days I get really tired of cutting back as much as we do, but I am excited about it again. This month is exactly two years since we started doing the steps Dave's way, and I was shocked to see this evening as I plugged in numbers that we've paid off $17,700 in debt over the past two years!!! Woohoo!! If we can pay off that much while being houseparents and then living on one income for a year... well, it is just a testimony of what God can accomplish. I'm rejuvenated to keep on the path... it's not easy, but we look forward to the day when we owe money to no one!
Anywho, that's my post for the day - tootleloo!
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