Thursday, May 7, 2009

Another Day, Another Dollar... wait! Not for me today - I stayed home from work with Emily as she seems to have a bug: fever, and all the nasty stuff Mommy's have to go through with a sick one that seem a bit TMI to put on the blog. My plan was to work this afternoon, but after she finally went down for a nap at 2:00 pm, I was tired that I went down for a nap, too. For two and a half hours. I never, EVER sleep like that, not even after Emily was a newborn. Jonathan was shocked. But I'm working Saturday, so it's not that I lost a day this week. But her fever broke, some of her appetite back, and she currently seems to be sleeping restfully, and I just pray that it lasts through the night!

Anywho, no major news for us, though the land clearing is done, finally, after a lot of rain and the logging trucks getting stuck, numerous times, though I managed to keep our zippy Nitska-Nissan going up and down our now demolished driveway (you are not allowed to ask about my mud incident from the month of April, though!). Not much will be done next week, but I think the week after will be a big one, with the well and septic going in.

The only other news is that Jonathan and I are back on Weight Watchers. We had unofficially stopped this fall when we moved here and had horrid Internet service, thus our online WW as pretty useless. But we both need it, and I've seen myself settle into some fairly horrid eating habits since the move to the other office: I drink coffee all day, and usually don't eat until I get home, and then end out waaaay overeating. So I'm trying to get back into the habit of eating regularly again, and dropping down to one cup of coffee a day (two if I have an evening training or appointment).

But Jonathan just picked up a movie for us, so I must go. Curious Case of Benjamin of Button, here we come!


When a little somebody is not sick... :-p

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