My crazy life, with all its ups and downs! In the midst of all, I am still a beloved daughter of God, wife to Jonathan, Mommy to Emily and Baby Ethan, and co-owner of our small business. It's my life, and I love it!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Recipe Monday
Mini Cherry Cheesecakes*
| |
| 8 average graham cracker(s), mashed into crumbs |
| 2 tbsp reduced-calorie margarine, melted |
| 4 oz fat-free cream cheese |
| 4 oz light cream cheese |
| 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice |
| 2 large egg white(s) |
| 1 tsp vanilla extract |
| 1/3 cup(s) sugar |
| 20 oz light fruit pie filling, cherry, warmed |
Place 12 cupcake liners in a cupcake pan. Combine graham cracker crumbs and margarine; mix well.
Spoon 1 tablespoon of crumb mixture into bottom of each liner and press down gently. Refrigerate until ready to fill.
Beat cream cheeses until fluffy and add lemon juice, egg whites, vanilla extract and sugar; beat until smooth.
Spoon cream cheese mixture evenly into crumb cups. Bake at 375°F for 15 minutes (cheesecake will still be wobbly, and will set as it cools). Cool.
Top each cheese cake with 1 tablespoon cherry pie filling.
*Recipe compliments of weightwatchers.com
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Mother's Day Recap
First, I got flowers on Thursday:

Then a dinner date Friday night (always a pleasure not to have to cook!).
On Sunday I was allowed to sleep in until 10:30 AM (which is unheard of in our house!), and then went to a cookout at a colleague's house. It was fun, and Emily got in her swimsuit for the first time this summer, and "played" (i.e. crawled around on her towel on the concrete far away from the wet grass) with another little boy in the sprinklers. In fact, she got her first kiss - two of them, to be accurate. We're going to have our hands full with this one! But of course, we didn't have the camera. *sigh* Next time, we will be armed, so be prepared! :-)
I hope everyone else had a wonderful Mother Day! In fact, if you have a memorable story, post it below!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday's Recipe
Grilled Chicken with Black Bean Corn "Salsa"
Serves 4 (approx 480 calories a serving)
4 chicken breasts
1/2 cup corn kernels
1/2 cup chopped tomatoes
1/2 cup black beans (rinse if canned)
1 Tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
1 Tbsp lime juice
3 cups cooked brown rice
1. Season chicken breasts (salt and pepper, or if you want more of a "kick", use a different seasoning. My favorite seasoning at the moment is McCormick's Grill Mates Steak Rub), and grill until done.
2. While chicken is grilling, mix remaining ingredients and put in fridge until chicken is done.
3. Dish salsa onto the chicken and serve with rice. Enjoy!
Now, Jonathan and I often like to chop up our chicken, and roll up the chicken and black bean corn salsa in a tortilla wrap for a burrito effect. Old Mission has several great wraps, including their original, sun-dried tomato basil, spinach herb, garden vegetable, and whole wheat. Also, it's great dish for leftovers! The salsa tastes even better after it has sat for awhile.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Picture Day!
So it took us about an hour - we got lots of good pictures, but my stupid glasses caught a glare, no matter where we were, indoor or out. So we took them off, and this is picture Jonathan and I both choose as the best one for the day:

I have a bit of hair in my eye (the wind was blowing), but good grief, it was the best one that came out. I sure hope they can use it!
Anywho, I'm heading to bed - we have a full day tomorrow!
Happy Mother's Day to every mom out there!
PS I've posted again on our joint blog that is following our weight-loss journey; check it out at http://jdrogers.blogspot.com/.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Another Day, Another Dollar...
Anywho, no major news for us, though the land clearing is done, finally, after a lot of rain and the logging trucks getting stuck, numerous times, though I managed to keep our zippy Nitska-Nissan going up and down our now demolished driveway (you are not allowed to ask about my mud incident from the month of April, though!). Not much will be done next week, but I think the week after will be a big one, with the well and septic going in.
The only other news is that Jonathan and I are back on Weight Watchers. We had unofficially stopped this fall when we moved here and had horrid Internet service, thus our online WW as pretty useless. But we both need it, and I've seen myself settle into some fairly horrid eating habits since the move to the other office: I drink coffee all day, and usually don't eat until I get home, and then end out waaaay overeating. So I'm trying to get back into the habit of eating regularly again, and dropping down to one cup of coffee a day (two if I have an evening training or appointment).
But Jonathan just picked up a movie for us, so I must go. Curious Case of Benjamin of Button, here we come!