We are on the homestretch now - Moving Day is four days away. Thankfully, we don't have too much stuff, as we live in a furnished house and are moving into the furnished farmhouse; our only furniture right now is Emily's crib and changing table. But I guess this means I'm going to have to change the name of my blog; I'm not going to be a professional mommy in the truest sense of the word here very soon. I'm open for name suggestions! :-)
But in the spirit of change, I decided or desperately-needed-since-I-hadn't-had-a-trim-since-April to get a haircut. Here is what I had:

Here's what I have now:

I like it; Jonathan isn't crazy about it (mostly the bangs - he's never seen me in bangs before). I just wanted something new and different, and something that flattered me more as I'm still carrying half of the baby weight and it shows in my face. And it was just getting flat out too long. I still want to get blond highlights in it, but that is going to be saved for my reward for reaching my future goal weight.
I've also just started Weight Watchers, now that I've been cleared by my OB to start gradual weight-loss and more vigorous exercise, and so far, I'm enjoying it. I like that it isn't restrictive on the types of food you eat (though obviously, the healthier you eat, the more you can eat), and it's one of the few programs I can do while still nursing. I do much better on a "program", saying that I'm going to eat less sugar or what not never lasts for too long. For instance, I do great on low-carb, and it's been very effective in the past, but I can't do a weight-loss phase of low-carb while I'm still feeding Emily. So I'm at least going to try it for awhile; Jonathan has done WW and really does like it. Going to the gym again has been great, too; I'd missed it the past few months. I can't wait to start playing tennis with Jonathan again. In fact, Waynesboro just finished building a new tennis complex at their city courts, and we are itching to get down there and try it. Now we just need to buy this:

Or something similar to that for little Miss Emily so she can go bike riding with us. So yep, my weight-loss journey is on! I kind of wish I'd had a few more months to lose weight before I'd gotten pregnant with her. I'd lost 35 pounds before I'd got pregnant with her (and with 40 more to go); now after having her, I have sixty to go to reach my goal weight. It'll probably take a year or so, but that's ok. It didn't come on overnight and won't just fall off overnight either!
Well, that's about it today - time to make snacks for the kiddos! :-)