Friday, August 29, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Thought y'all might like an update! :-)

Our move to Georgia went well, though it's been raining cats and dogs since we left South Carolina. In some ways it was symbolic; it started pouring just as we were pulling out of Calvary - I guess we were being washed clean. :-D

Anyway, we are currently staying at Jonathan's grandparents farmhouse for the next few months as we get settled and our feet underneath us. Jonathan had his orientation at the school district, and he's also looking forward to starting the work around the farm, too (as soon as it dries out a little). I had so much fun setting up Emily's room; though we couldn't do too much (it is not our house), I have more freedom here than I did at Calvary and it feels more like home here than it ever did there. It's nice to run my own home again; it's been awhile. Mentally, it still feels like we're on vacation and that I'll be going home to my eight kiddos again soon, so I guess it will take awhile to adjust. I've heard things are a little chaotic there, which grieves our hearts for the kids, but we are going through the process of emotionally seperating ourselves. It's hard when we are still getting e-mails from teachers and what not, but that shouldn't happen much more as we pass them on to the director at Calvary. It's an adjustment for us.

That's the main update right now - not too much going on except for unpacking! The kiddies love being farm cats and Carolina wishes she could roam free, too. Jonathan's mom and grandparents will be here for Labor Day and it will be nice to see the family again.

That's all for now!


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