Saturday, August 30, 2008

Georgia Bugs Me

Okay, it is not as if I am new to living on a farm; I grew up on one, for goodness sakes! But good grief, a farm in the plains of Colorado and a farm in humid Georgia are two different things. Want an example?

  • The two mammoth spiders living in the mailbox (or I should say were living in the mailbox)...
  • The "palmetto bug" (2 points for you if you know what a palmetto bug really is) running over the top of my foot while cooking dinner...
  • The brown recluse spider taking a bath in the bathtub (now totally crushed and floating in the septic tank)...
  • The wasps and hornet nests that are everywhere! The back porch, the picnic table in the back yard, etc. It is very entertaining watching my husband do the wasp-killing dance, complete with spray-can and fly-swatter...
...and that is just the start! But Jonathan picked up bug-killing-juice to exterminate the house and that has helped over the past couple of days. Hopefully the house will be mostly bug-free by the time Bella (Jonathan's mom) and Mama & Papa arrive later this weekend.

But in other news, I've lost three pounds! Yeah! I guess I'll keep up with Weight Watchers for awhile. :-) It may not seem like such a big deal, but I was encouraged.

I'm off to go wash the dishes before it's time for Emily's "second breakfast"; I think she's part hobbit - she eats all the time and she's short and stout! :-)

1 comment:

Becky L said...

I love that-- she's part hobbit. HeeHee.
And I know what palmetto bugs are! Pretty sure it was Dr Lehman that taught me that one. [How was his name spelled? Layman? Leymen? Totally forget.]