For the past month, the kids have had very nasty upper respority colds, as well as some with the stomach bug. I've been very proud of myself for not getting it; I even had a husband who weathered it for three days. Today thought? Yuck city... sore throat, feverish, sinus congestion. So bring on the Throat Coat and Breath Easy medicinal teas, vicks vapor rub, and when it the sinus pain his migrane level, the Tylenol cold and sinus. I hate being sick, and as mommy of the house, I don't get a break from laundry or cooking. *sigh*

In other news, we are traveling down to Columbia tomorrow (or rather, Lexington) for a Leadership Club dinner organized by my Premier "grandmother". So 24 hours off duty for us and dinner at the Crab Shack to have a night talking about Premier! Oh, and I love my parttime job! I will have a fairly full month, which is good, and I would love to pick up some shows in Columbia this spring as well, since we are going to be in town a lot this spring. And speaking of jobs, we will be busy for the next couple of months while we are on our relief weekends. We are being very diligent in trying to pay off our debt, and both his parents and grandparents have several matiencence/organization type jobs they are will to let us do instead of hiring out. So that will be good - we are trying to boost our savings before this baby comes and if we'd rather work for it than just be given it.
Did you know some states have a state fruit? My husband swears it is so. Not so sure I believe it...
what do you think?
I think that is it for now... I have to sort Valentine cards for these kiddos to make tonight. Do you know how many stinking Valentines seven children need? Even our preschoolers have been told to take them to Mom's Morning Out; I don't remember this mania when I was kid.
I hope it's a false alarm and you don't really end up sick like the rest of them! Darn kids and their knack for sharing inaproppriate things.
MOM's Morning Out = SICK!!!
Okay so not all states have a fruit but most do. Here is a list:
Alabama - Blackberry
Florida - Orange
Georgia - Peach
Idaho - Huckleberry
Illinois - Apple
Kentucky - Blackberry
Louisiana - Strawberry
Maine - Wild blueberry
Massachusetts - Cranberry
Minnesota - Honeycrisp apple
Missouri - Norton Cynthiana grape
New Hampshire - Pumpkin
New Jersey - Highbush Blueberry
New York - Apple
North Carolina - Scuppernong Grape
North Dakota - Chokecherry
Oklahoma - Strawberries
Oregon - Pear
Rhode Island - Greening Apple
South Carolina - Peach
Tennessee - Tomato
Texas - Red Grapefruit
Utah - Cherry
Vermont - Apple
Washington - Apple
West Virginia - Golden Delicious apple
Wisconsin - Cranberry
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