Back in December, when we were planning our goals for the next, Jonathan & I spent a lot of time looking at our finanical situation, or the pending trainwreck. :-S We signed up on Dave Ramsey's website, http://www.mytotalmoneymakeover.com/, for their free trial week. Well, we signed on with them and have enjoy (yes, enjoyed) making ourselves more disciplined with our money.
Then yesterday, our carpet-cleaning work at my MIL's house last weekend arrived. Jonathan had really been wanting Dave Ramsey's DVD teachings on financial peace, and I wanted the books and computer software. So in exchange for going the extra mile at her house and doing the carpets, she bought the set for us on top of paying us for our work, which was very lovely. So yesterday was a financial day while the kids were at school. We watched the start of the DVD's, the software went on the computer and we went through every single stinking bill and debt we have and put it on paper. I even called the creditors (never fun), spoke with them, and we now have an on-paper plan to attack our debt. We're looking at wiping it out over the next 3 1/2 years, a little longer than our goal was when we first got married (we wanted it gone by our 5th wedding anniversary).
In some ways, it was fun retweaking our budget. Jonathan was shocked that we in fact could save some every month for things like car replacement and matience, even set some aside every month for our next journey to Colorado to visit my family. He even has his own "BLOW" money; it's not a ton, but enough. And the software help us discover what we can (and how much we can) pay to every debt each month using their pro rata worksheets, which was a huge load off of my shoulders; I'd been very overwhelmed with trying to figure that out on my own.
So our current goals are thus: finish putting $1000 in the bank for our emergency fund (and finding the right bank/money market account to put what we already have into it), so when the unexpected does happen (and it will), we don't have to go farther into debt. Also, starting in March, we are going to the cash/envelope system with our budget - everything but our bills. We've had a budget in the past, but swiping that debit card is so easy, so we've struggled with overspending. Hopefully, the envelope system will help. The only thing is, we need a new safe to do that; our other is just a tiny one for the crucial documents, so Jonathan is looking on e-bay and overstock.com to see what they have. But we're excited and so ready to get this debt monster off our backs.
Okay - money post is done! :-)