Saturday, November 28, 2009

Work Never Ends

So we are supposed to be off of work from our job, but we come to Georgia to the farm once a month. Needless to say, there is always work to do here! This weekend's project is to get the underpinning on our house installed and as of Saturday night, we are about halfway done, but should finish it tomorrow. It took us a bit to get going, but once we did is came pretty quick. Emily loved it - she got to play outside and explore for a couple of hours; she ended up sitting in a "nest" she made of dirt and acorns with the farm cat. It's our prayer and hope that our home will be up and running (and at least some grass for landscaping!) by our fourth of July family reunion. It is a beautiful home on the inside, but the outside needs some work!

Anyway, just a short update for now. Thanksgiving has been nice, and life is busy around the holidays, but we are taking time for each other (or trying, at least!). My jaw is slowly healing after the wisdom-tooth removal, and we finally bought our plane tickets to go home to Colorado in January. I'm sooo looking forward to that; it's been two years this Christmas since we've been home. But I said this would be short, so I'll end it now.


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