Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Pain in the Teeth

Or tooth, in my case.

Which is making for pain in my whole mouth. And sinuses. And ear.

Word to the wise: if a dentist ever tells you that a tooth is ever going to need to eventually be removed, go ahead and get it done. I knew a year ago that I had one wisdom tooth that didn't come in quite right that was going to need extracted. But at that time, I was pregnant, so I put it off. Then I was nursing, so I put it off again. Then I was working full time. I always had an excuse.

I don't anymore.

It's been bugging me for a couple of months - no severe pain, but cold drinks and chewed anything sweet on that side sent me up the wall. But at 2:47 this morning, apparently my tooth decided that it would not take my procrastination any longer. I have a decent pain threshold, but good grief! So I finally went to dentist this morning - I honestly didn't think it was that tooth - I thought I had a cavity in a different molar. But no, it's that stupid wisdom I was warned about a year and a half ago. But now, it's fractured in two place and is abscessed and very infected (when he gives you an Rx for an antibiotic that you are to take 4x a day for 12 days with 2 refills, it's bad). The dentist didn't how I'd been walking around with it for so long. However, they can't remove it until the infection is gone - they do extractions on Mondays, and don't know if I will be ready for it be then, so it may be the Monday after before it comes out.


That's a long time to walk around with a bad tooth. But I guess another week won't kill the time I already have been, especially now that I have good painkillers that I can take at night. :-)

Sweet dreams, everyone!

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