Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Working from Home I Know

Well, in reality, I rarely work from home, but as Emily is running a fever (and unusually cranky for her 2nd day in a row), I'm home this morning making appointments and recruiting. But I am enjoying the guilty pleasures of playing with her until ten, as I usually don't like making calls before then.

Not much to report here, though I did deeply appreciate the comments left. It is hard being a working Mom, especially in the evangelical world, and it's been a huge adjustment on our marriage. I think things are starting to look up for us though, or at least look better! :-)

Well, this must be quick, so adios!

1 comment:

The Davis Family said...


If you ever have the chance to read - I highly recommend Marriage, A History by Stephanie Coontz. I just finished reading it and it was really eye opening to a lot of things I've struggled with over the past few years. She really has a way of explaining why women say the hurtful things they do in a very unbiased, but realistic way.
I talked to a friend of mine this morning that is going back to work and pregnant with her fourth child. I am so thankful for the work I have and the creative working solutions of this generation. Employers today are far more willing to let moms work from home for a day as you are today to build morale and keep turn over down. They've found a better win/win situation.
Overall, if you look around, you'll hardly find women NOT working anymore. It's just that, in this stage of your life, it's hard to connect with those that are working and to find support. Over the last few years, I have definitely found that on the internet. Surprising, huh? At the same time, maybe it's ok.
I'm glad things are getting better and I hope you will both be empowered to continue striving for the best balance you can find - I promise there is no perfect solution. In the long run, Emily is obviously loved by both her parents and that is the most important thing! ~ Catherine