It was a pretty good day until I was 2nd in line to make a right hand turn, at a light with a green arrow for our lane to turn right. However, after the guy in front of me started to roll forward (and thus, I started moving forward), someone ran a red light. Mr. Silver BMW in front of me slammed on his brakes to avoid hitting the Mr. Stupid Driver Who Must Have Been Color Blind And Could Have Caused A Very Bad Accident thus causing me to slam on my brakes.
But poor Nitska, our lovely Nissan Sentra. She can only stop so fast. And this time, not fast enough.
So yep, my first ever accident. However, I only scratched Mr. Silver BMW, and as the driver informed me it was just a company car and not to worry about exchanging insurance information.
As for Nitska? She is fine, just minus one of these:

Yep, her poor deer whistle snapped off; Mr. Husband fussed at me for not picking it up off of the road (I was a bit distracted, you know?).
So, I'm okay, the car's okay, and Jonathan has forbade me from doing anything in the car but driving. Probably a good thing I'm not driving to Atlanta tomorrow for our conference (a group of us are car-pooling together). But I have to leave here at about 5:15 in the morning for it. Ugh.
So I need to go. To bed.
Will post later! :-)
This is why we don't have a silver car it is rated top unsafe color for a car.
Debbie, I'm glad you weren't hurt. Too bad about the deer alert, but.... ok, I'll just say it: who cares? LOL Glad YOU were OK and I can imagine what an adrenaline rush that was!
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