So after full and partial bedrest from 15 weeks to 20 weeks (it has been a long month), I am offically back on my feet again.
No more bedrest? Check.
Can start exercising again? Check.
Get back to my normal life? Double check!
But it is not all fun and games - I do have a few limitations. Like no hard exercise: just walking, yoga, etc. No heavy lifting. Drink lots and lots of water. And rest when I am tired - that is a big one. We are praying that this past month will have been
our glitch for this pregnancy.
I only had one piece of upcoming anxiety - my sugar levels were high, again (they were at my last visit, too), but he is very pleased with my weight gain - I'm finally back up to my pre-pregnancy weight. So in two weeks I'll do a glucose fasting to check for gestational diabetes. It's 4-6 weeks early than this is usually tested, but he is seeing some early indicators. So bummer on that, but I'll let you know how it goes.
Well, I'm off to go make jello for tonight's dessert (sugar-free, of course!). Have a good day!
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