My crazy life, with all its ups and downs! In the midst of all, I am still a beloved daughter of God, wife to Jonathan, Mommy to Emily and Baby Ethan, and co-owner of our small business. It's my life, and I love it!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Back from the (almost) dead again...
It's going to be a short post today; my energy is still pretty low. If you've called or e-mailed, I will do my best to get back to you in the day or two.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hands, Tounges, & Drool

So I don't have a picture of her drooling, but trust me, she does! We go through several bibs and shirts a day! Put I love that she is reaching out for everything now, especially when she reaches out to touch my face when I'm playing with her. I can't believe how much she is growing up - she's just shy of 12 1/2 pounds now and we'll be starting cereal with her in about a month.
We're trying to get her on a consistent schedule (i.e. get up at the same time every morning so she eats at about the same times every day), because I'm getting ready to go back to work. Yep, I finally got a job, and I think it will work very well for us. I am now a Medicare eligibility specialist for United Insurance Group. The office set-up is very similar to the insurance company I worked for in Tennessee. It has very flexible hours, which is what I was looking for; I am in the office on Tuesdays and Fridays, and as it is a performance based job, not a per hour job, if my work for the day is done at three, I'm done at three. The other benefits are that it's a job that has room for growth and meets our financial needs as well as the fact that my job stays at my job. The past several years I've worked in the non-profit sector, and they were very emotional-connected jobs. Anyway, I'm excited. :-) Jonathan is gearing up to be "super-Daddy", as he'll be home with her when he's not at the school district. He's looking forward to it - as well as teaching part time, and improving the farm part time, he's going to finish his last year of school. If he can finish his bachelor's, he can get his teaching certification.
So that's kind of where we are, for those of you who've been wanting updates. I do need to run, though, and hit the shower before Emily wakes up from her nap.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Life Moves On...
In the meantime, I'm continuing to job hunt. There's one in Waynesboro that I really, really would love to have: it's a site coordinator position with Burke Community Partnership, whose mission is "to champion the collaboration of resources to improve results for children, families, and the community." It's right up my alley; I have all the qualifications, yet am not over-qualified for it, which is one area I'm struggling with right now as I job shop. Yes, I'm going to have to work, and I've gone round and this round this with various family and friends. It was always my hope and dream and goal to stay home with my kids; however, until we get our debt off of our backs, we can't afford for me not to work. One of the pluses of this position - it has flexible hours. The other position I'd love to be in is at the American Cancer Society in Augusta. If you don't remember, I worked at the Columbia ACS office right after Jonathan and I got married. The Augusta office has an opening and I have a good shot at it, but they are in a hiring freeze right now - non-profit organizations across the board right now are struggling. In the meantime, I've loved the time at home right now, and Emily has enjoyed it, too! She likes to help bring the laundry in off the clothes line:

And of course, has plenty of playtime:
Chillin' out at The Pond for a family picnic:
Exploring the farm with Mommy & Daddy:
In fact, it makes her so tuckered out she fell asleep halfway through her last feeding:
Hmm... I love our life...
In the meantime, I'm stretching her schedule. She'll go a solid ten hours at night now, so I'm trying to stretch her 2 1/2 - 3 hour feeding schedule to a 3 1/2 hour schedule, with the hope that she'll go four hours by the time she's four months old. She's doing good with the 3 1/2 hours - she'll be up for an hour and a half to two hours, then will nap until the next feeding time. I've also started backing her bedtime up, so by the time she's four months, she'll be going down for bed around eight. So far, she's adjusting like a champ! And speaking of which, it's time for her to have lunch, so I must adieu!