Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Back from the (almost) dead again...

My apologies if you've tried to get in touch with me over the past week; last Thursday I started to develop a mommy-related infection that was very painful; by Friday it was full-blown and I was downright miserable. I've been on some pretty strong antibiotics three times a day, and will continue them for another week, but at least I'm able to nurse Emily again. A note to new mommy friends who are BFeeding - keep a few days worth of milk in your freezer! You will probably never have to use it, but on the off-chance you get sick for a few days, and can't nurse, you won't have to switch over to formula! My aunt recommended this to me while I was preggers and I'm so glad I followed her advice. Emily's been getting a bottle once a day since she was six weeks old (though I never feed her it), and so she swapped back and forth really well. But in milestone news, she has rolled over a couple times now - I can't believe how big she is getting!

It's going to be a short post today; my energy is still pretty low. If you've called or e-mailed, I will do my best to get back to you in the day or two.


1 comment:

Becky L said...

Awe, poor Debbie. Hope you're feeling back to 100% soon.