Friday, June 11, 2010

Time is Flying!

I remember where I was at this point two years ago. I was as big as a whale and sick as a dog while struggling with preeclampsia at the very end of my pregnancy with Emily. In fact, by now, I was just shy of being admitted into the hospital.

Is it ironic that I'm pregnant while that little bundle of joy turns two?

We aren't planning a huge party for her - just the family and a few friends in Columbia, SC. And no, we don't live there. Emily's grandmother does. We decided to do it at her house because I just can't physically deal with the stress of tons of people coming in and crashing at our house (don't ask me how I'm going to handle 15+ people for the family reunion over the 4th of July). We'll clean it, and do the cooking, and the clean-up. My biggest thing is the cake, which I'm actually very excited about making. But it's a secret for now, but hopefully there will be pictures posted afterwards!

In the meantime, my pregnancy is slowing getting better. I still have bad days, where I'm sick an exhausted, but I'm having more good days than I used to, which is a huge plus. And we're hoping that at my end of the month ultrasound, we will know if we are having a boy or a girl, but that's only if this little one decides to cooperate. We are also praying that the small concern of having placenta previa will have righted itself by this point; my OB isn't too worried about it right now, as it usually takes care of itself.

Emily, on the other hand, has a vocabulary that is growing by leaps and bounds. She is now learning her colors and shapes, but her favorite phrase right now is "I don't want to". Can we say she is are almost two? Potty-training isn't going great, as this incredibly stubborn girl will hold it for hours and hours instead of going on the potty, so we've stopped pushing it for awhile with a fear that she's going to give herself a UTI. After her birthday, though, we hope to start up again, exspecially now that we are often finding her baby doll sitting on her potty with the toilet paper.

But speaking of Emily, she's being needy, so I need to get off the computer. I'll try to post pictures of her party after next weekend.

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