This is what she looked like a year ago today - we used this picture for her birth announcements:

She was such a cute newborn... but she is embracing her new found freedom as a toddler (though no, she isn't walking yet)! She has decided to make every diaper change and clothes change an act of war. I hate it - I used to love bath time and post-bath time with her; it's my time to unwind with her after I've been at work all day, but I am started to dread it now. I'm hoping she'll eventually grown out of it...
Anywho, we've still waiting on the move. We found out yesterday it will be another two weeks before they can get the power on (we need the inspector to come out and do it, but alas, he's out of town for two weeks... blasted small towns... there is no one else to do it). Once we have power, we expect to spend a week getting it ready cosmetically (it's much easier to paint when nothing is in it!), and then move. So, we're probably looking at the end of July/beginning of August now... sigh... I can't wait until we have our own space again. And our stuff! It's been sitting in storage for over two years now, as we have been living in furnished houses - it will be like Christmas again!
Well, I need to go get the sun room cleaned - adios!