To keep a long story short, we are merging with an existing office here in Augusta. When we became AmeriLife United back in November, we were in a unique situation with a new ALU office starting in a city with an established office of the AmeriLife corporation. As of last week, ALU is now simply absorbed into AmeriLife, and our office is being assimilated into the more established office here, with our current branch manager taking over the Savannah office, as the manager there is retiring. Truth be told, I think it will be a good thing for all of us. I will be going over in an management position, which is nice, and I had a really good conversation with our new branch manager today. As far as I know, the official transition will be around the first of April, so I will continue to deal with some office stress over the next two weeks. *sigh* So I'm just going to put my head down, train my agents, and write my heart out this week. :-)
In the meantime, we have a new member of the family: an eight-week old puppy we've fondly named Dallas. Though we consider him Emily's puppy, she's not exactly the one taking care of him! He's a sweetie, but a lot of work. I feel like Emily is a month old again. Argh! What were we thinking?
Posing takes such hard work...

Hmm... are those your toys or mine?

Dear God, pleeeeeease let this puppy stop yapping all the time!!